Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How Do Milan Buyers Find Their Homes?

The Internet definitely helps to bring together buyers and sellers. About 80-85% of all buyers surf the net looking for homes before even contacting a Realtor. Many find their Realtors online as well. As far as finding the home they actually end up buying, the 2007 National Association of Realtors study came up with the following statistics.

The percentage of buyers who found their home through -

Their Realtor was 34%
On the Internet was 29%
From a Yard Sign was 14%
Home Builder or their Agent 8%
Friend, Relative or Neighbor 8%
Print Newspaper Advertisement 3%
Directly from Sellers 3%
HomeBook or Magazine 1%

Even after finding their home on the Internet, from a yard sign, or otherwise, buyers typically wanted a Realtor to work with them in making the purchase and getting to a smooth closing.


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